Hymns to be sung by the children at the Anniversary of the Sabbath School Union of the Reformed Dutch Church
Dutch Reformed Church and Erasmus High School, Brooklyn.
A Service of Thanksgiving in Connection with the Tercentenary Observances of the Collegiate School of New York
[Park Avenue and 85th Street.]
Schools, St. Augustine's School, the Gymnasium with the School and Church in the Distance.
[Marriage of Hattie E. Beckley and T. S. Constantine.]
Parade, Brooklyn Sunday School.
A National Apprehension and a National Opportunity
[Wedding of Ella Fortmeyer and John P. Deas.]
First Anniversary of the Washington Union, No. 2, Daughters of Temperance.
Fulton Street & William Street [Collect Pond to Fulton Street]
John P. Deas [Wedding to Ella Fortmeyer.]
Ella Fortmeyer [Wedding to John P. Deas.]
Sunday School, Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist, 228-230 West 45th St., New York City, June 8th 1909.
Union M.E.
The Republican National Committee