Gilbert Stuart
Presented by the City of New York to the N.Y. Regiment of Volunteers in Mexico. Frederick Haitman, Company F
Presented to Lieut. Col. Bliss of the U.S.A. for His Gallant Services in Mexico by the State of New York, 1849
Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations, New-York
Union of Erie with the Atlantic
Art Galleries, Museums, etc. New York--World Art Center
New York - World Art Center [Reuben Tam.]
New York - World Art Center [Henry Koerner.]
New York - World Art Center [Abraham Rattner.]
New York - World Art Center [George Grosz.]
New York - World Art Center [Joseph Floch.]
New York - World Art Center [Zygmunt or Sigmund Menkes.]
[American Student Union march.]
DeWitt Clinton
The Society of Arts and Sciences Awards to the Creators of the Bronx River Parkway at a Dinner Given in Their Honor
Banquet of the Delegates to the Union of American Hebrew Congregations
Union Square
Art--Children's Art
Mr. Stuart Robson, as Monlinet, in "Rose Michel."