James Monroe.
Funeral Ceremonies in honor of the late Gen. Zachary Taylor.
Funeral Ceremonies in honor of the late Hon. Henry Clay
Grand Funeral Procession in Memory of Gen. Jackson.
Reade Street
[Moving Monroe House from Prince Street and Lafayette Street.]
Worth Street
View of St. John's Chapel, from the Park.
View of Park Place, New York
Prince Street and Lafayette Street [Park Row to Prince Street]
From James H. Noe, Wholesale Dealer in Wooden and Willow Ware
James H. Noe, Wholesale Dealer in Wooden & Willow Ware
[Funeral of Icaac E. Hoagland of Old Guard N.Y.]
Columbia College, Murray Street, 1756 to 1857. Engraved by Balch, after drawing by Davis, in the New York Mirror, 1828.
Broadway and Canal Street [Broadway & Murray to Broadway & Canal Street]