128th Street and Park Avenue. Gristede Bros., general view of building.
128th Street and Park Avenue. Gristede Bros., with group of people [employees?].
128th Street and Park Avenue. Gristede Bros., with automobiles lined up in front.
107th Street and Park Avenue, S.E. corner. Pathe Labs, view S.W. from N.E. corner of plot.
521 Park Avenue and 60th Street, N.E. corner. Apartments.
View S.E. from N.E. corner of 106th Street and Broadway.
1085 Park Avenue and 88th Street, N.E. corner. Apartment building.
903 Park Avenue and N.E. corner East 79th Street. Apartment house.
625 Park Avenue and 65th Street, N.E. corner. Apartments, detail, entrance.
1001 Madison Avenue and 78th Street, S.E. corner. Apartments and stores Gristede Bros.
1021 Park Avenue and 85th Street, N.E. corner. Apartment building, exterior.
485 Park Avenue and 58th Street, N.E. corner. Apartment building.
338 Manhattan Avenue, N.E. corner of 114th Street.
7th Avenue and 34th Street, N.E. corner. R.H. Macy and Co. annex, under construction.
[39 or 139?] Park Avenue and 36th Street, N.E. corner. Residence.
60th Street and 5th Avenue, N.E. corner. Metropolitan Club.
345 Park Avenue and 51st Street, N.E. corner.
39 Park Avenue and 36th Street, N.E. corner. South and west fronts.
625 Park Avenue and 65th Street, N.E. corner. Apartments, general exterior.
775 Park Avenue and 72nd Street, N.E. corner. Apartment lobby.