She: I Could Never Marry a Man Until He Has Done Something Brave and Heroic. He: I' ll Take You at Your Word, My Dear I Ask You to be My Wife.
The Violet by Julia Magruder
Advice to Girls About to Marry - get used to this language when you tell him you want a new hat
The Edge of the Orient by Robert Howard Russell.
Can You Drive a Car? Will You Drive One in France? Immediate Service at the Front!
[While a wife is engrossed in the television, her husband bricks up the doorway.]
Morning After the Storm. They parted the evening before, never to meet again.
When the Hunting Season Opens
Who Cares?
Last Day of Summer
Advice to Caddies - You will save time by keeping an eye on the ball, not the player
In the Same Boat
The Dog: Here he has been hanging around us for a month, and we leave to-night.
The Gibson Book
A Couple Conversing in a Drawing Room
[Life's fortieth birthday.]
At a Comedy
[Woman looking for work.]
Not Inconsolable
It can be done