44th Street and 5th Avenue, S.E. corner. Harriman National Bank.
5th Avenue and 44th Street. Harriman Bank, exterior.
44th Street and 5th Avenue. Guaranty Trust Company, banking space.
44th Street and 5th Avenue. Guaranty Trust Co., public entrance hall.
44th Street and 5th Avenue. Guaranty Trust Co., south side balcony.
50th Street and 5th Avenue. Kirkpatrick Store. Detail of entrance door.
536 5th Avenue near 44th Street. Commercial building.
34th Street and 5th Avenue, S.E. corner. Chemical Bank, detail of doors.
44th Street and 5th Avenue. Guaranty Trust Co., ladies room.
44th Street and 5th Avenue. Guaranty Trust Co., Sabin Room.
44th Street and 5th Avenue. Guaranty Trust Co., north side balcony.
57th Street and 5th Avenue. Manufacturers Trust, detail of entrance.
42nd Street and 5th Avenue. New York Public Library, detail of Bronze entrance door.
53rd Street and 5th Avenue. St. Thomas Church, detail of South entrance.
55th Street and 5th Avenue. Bonwit Teller and Co., entrance detail.
5th Avenue, looking north from 44th Street. [Japanese War Commission, September,1917.]
[Fifth Avenue Bank, 44th Street and 5th Avenue.]
67 West 44th Street. N.E. corner of 44th Street and 6th Avenue.