Foley Square. New York County Courthouse, front view.
Foley Square. New York County Courthouse, portico.
New York Custom House, interior of rotunda.
851 Grand Concourse. Bronx County Courthouse. Interior, courtroom
851 Grand Concourse. Bronx County Courthouse. Detail of main entrance
New York County Courthouse. Copy of old photo of drawing.
851 Grand Concourse. Bronx County Courthouse. Detail of grille in entrance
New York City Hall. Interior, stairway and rotunda
Vesey Street. New York County Lawyers Association, interior of auditorium at rostrum.
Liberty Street. Guaranty Trust Co., detail of rotunda.
Vesey Street. New York County Lawyers Association, detail of W. Nelson Cromwell's bust.
[Westchester County Courthouse.]
Vesey Street. New York County Lawyers Association, interior of auditorium at west end.
Vesey Street. New York County Lawyers Association, interior of entrance lobby at bust.
851 Grand Concourse. Bronx County Courthouse. Interior, Veteran's Memorial Hall elevator lobby
851 Grand Concourse. Bronx County Courthouse. Detail of west corner of building
851 Grand Concourse. Bronx County Courthouse. Detail of east corner of building