Gala Ball in honor of Their Royal Highnesses Infanta Doña Eulalia and Infante Don Antonio
Gala Ball in honor of their Royal Highnesses the Infanta Doña Eulalia, and the Infante Don Antonio, Duke of Montpensier
The Seventh Regiment Passing in Review in Honor of the Infanta Eulalia of Spain, June 3, 1893.
Parade, Columbus Celebration, Princess Eulalia of Spain (Savoy H.).
Princess Eulalia of Spain Reviewing in Front of Savoy Hotel.
C.W. Morse, Prince L. of B.
Prince L. of B.
Visit of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales
West Point.
View from Fishkill looking to West Point
[Reception in honor of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales on board H.M.S. "Renown".]
Princess Eulalia, Savoy Hotel.
[Copy of a Map of the Lands Lately Belonging to the Estate of the Late Sir Peter Warren Lying at Greenwich in the Outlands of the City of New York, Surveyed August 1773]
R.M.S. Olympic.
Schools, Ladycliff Academy on the Hudson River.