St. Ann's Church for Deaf - Mutes
Musical and Dramatic Entertainment and Reception for the benefit of St. Catharine's Academy, West 152nd Street
Residence, Miss Dodd, North Side of 21st St. Bet. 7th & 8th Aves.
House of Miss Dodd.
Vestry St. M. E. Church
Grand Charity Performance in Aid of Kindergarten and Potted Plant Association
Entertainment for Children at the Chapel of Central Congregational Church
Musicale and Literary Entertainment
Interiors, Miss Dodd, Bedroom.
14 Trinity Place, New York. Picture Gallery in Record Room 4th Floor
Honest Library Cipher Message
Interiors, Miss Dodd, Drawing Room.
Bank for Savings, 280 Fourth Avenue. Exterior, from right.
Bank for Savings, 280 Fourth Avenue. Exterior, from left.
[Women's Organization for National Prohibition Reform lottery.[
The Silhouette Club
Fifth Annual Garden Party for the benefit of the Brooklyn Diet Dispensary