[The honor of the company of Mrs. & Miss Vandenberg and friends, is respectfully solicited to the Assemblies, to be given at Almacks.]
Terpsichore Military and Civic Assembly
Ball of the Terpsichore Club
Annual Ball of the Washington Fire Engine Co. No. 20
Dodworth Ball
Broadway and Walker Street [Broadway & Murray to Broadway & Canal Street]
Ninth Annual Ball of Washington Assocation
Broadway [Broadway & Murray to Broadway & Canal Street]
39 North Moore. View of tiled floor and walls in work rooms at S.H. Haran Co. fish importers.
Worth Street. New York Life Insurance Co., President Kingsley's private office at S.E. corner.
Second Annual Fancy Dress Ball of the Madison Club
Jackson Fire Engine Company 24 Tenth Annual Ball
Niagara Engine Company, 4
Chambers Street, South Side, Between Broadway and Church Streets
Annual Hop of the Perry Hose Co. No. 23
Thirteenth Annual Soiree of Howard Engine Co., No. 34
Vestry St. M. E. Church
250 Hudson Street and Broome Street, N.E. corner. Holland Tunnel Plaza.
Franklin Street and Varick Street. Francis H. Leggett Co. Building.