Ladies' Season Ticket to E. H. Conway's Assemblies at Almacks
Terpsichore Military and Civic Assembly
Ball of the Terpsichore Club
Annual Hop of Engine Company No. XII
Niagara Engine Company, 4
Second Annual Ball of Cataract Engine Company, No. 25
[The pleasure of Miss Fields' company is requested at the First Assembly.]
[The pleasure of Miss Eleanor Hewitt's company is requested at the First Assembly.]
Jackson Fire Engine Company 24 Tenth Annual Ball
Second Annual Fancy Dress Ball of the Madison Club
Annual Hop of the Perry Hose Co. No. 23
Annual Ball of the Washington Fire Engine Co. No. 20
[Map of lots between White and Walker Streets at Broadway]
Ninth Annual Ball of Washington Assocation
Dodworth Ball
First Annual Hop of the Liberty Engine Co. No. 50
[The pleasure of Miss Eleanor Hewitt's company is requested at the Second Assembly.]
On Tuesday evening, December 19, will be presented the play of "The Iron Chest" with Mr. Kean as Sir Edward Mortimer
[Crowd of men gathered at Canal Street and West Broadway.]
Baker Smith and Co. heating plant at Washington and Greenwich Street.