Map of Valuable Property to be Sold at Auction by Adrian H. Miller
Sale at Auction of 80 Valuable Lots
250 Valuable Lots in the 12th Ward of the City of New York
The Valuable House and Lot, 78 Fourth Avenue, 12 Lots on 104th Street and 7th & 8th Avenues in the City of New York, at Auction
Peremptory Sale. Harsen Estate
Valuable Lots to be Sold at Auction by Anthony J. Bleecker
Map of 128 Valuable Lots Near Mount Morris Square in the 12th Ward of the City of New York
Peremptory Sale of 37 Valuable Lots, Comprising the Entire Fronts on Riverside Avenue, Between 82d, 83d, 84th and 85th Streets, and Adjacent Street Lots
Important Sale of 48 Valuable Building Lots
Peremptory Sale of Valuable Lots by Cole & Chilton
Valuable Lots on 6th, 7th Avenue, 66th, 67th, 74th, 75th Streets
Large Sale of Valuable Building Lots at Yorkville in the City of New York
172 Valuable Lots
Valuable property to be sold by Jas. Bleecker & Sons on Friday 23rd January 1835.
A Map of 117 Valuable Lots
Map of About 200 Desirable Building Lots with Valuable Water Fronts on the East River
Franklin & Jenkins will sell on Monday 26th Jany. 1835 the following Valuable Lots
Executors' Sale of 82 Lots and Parts of Lots, Situated on 83rd & 84th Sts., and on Avenues A & B
38 Desirable Building Lots
Peremptory Sale of 89 Lots & Gores of Lots of Ground