New York Med Trakten Däromkring.
Arrivee du Paquetbot Transatlanitque [View of New York from the South East]
New Jersey - New York Staten Island Quadrangle
New York
Greatest New York
Map of New York and its vicinity
New York and Environs.
The New York Yacht Club Regatta.
New York Harbor
Transportation Map of New York
New York Bay
Brooklyn in 1766 - 77 ; Manatus Gelegon op do Noort River
Bay & Port of New York, Capital of New - York.
View c. 1908 S.W. from Broad and Beaver Sts.
Plan de la Baie de New York
New York - Bay
A Plan of New York Island, With Part of Long Island, Staten Island & East New Jersey
Staten Island Muncipal Ferry Boat "Queens."