New York Med Trakten Däromkring.
New Jersey - New York Staten Island Quadrangle
Arrivee du Paquetbot Transatlanitque [View of New York from the South East]
New York
Map of New York and its vicinity
Greatest New York
The New York Yacht Club Regatta.
Transportation Map of New York
Bay & Port of New York, Capital of New - York.
New York Harbor
New York and Environs.
New York Bay
Brooklyn in 1766 - 77 ; Manatus Gelegon op do Noort River
Plan de la Baie de New York
View c. 1908 S.W. from Broad and Beaver Sts.
New York - Bay
A Plan of New York Island, With Part of Long Island, Staten Island & East New Jersey
Staten Island Muncipal Ferry Boat "Queens."