New York City Transit presents the Subway, New York City's Longest Running Performance in Happy 90th Birthday!
Opening of the Rapid Transit Railroad
90-Year Anniversary of the Opening of the New York City Subway System
Admit the Bearer [A. Leo and two] to subway passenger stations of the Interborough Rapid Transit Company
[New York Transfer Ticket]
Grand Central Depot and Commodore Hotel, New York.
Inspection of the Rapid Transit Subway
Interborough Rapid Transit Co. Subway Division. Good For One Continuous Trip
Original Exhibits of Rapid Transit Subway Construction Company, Plaintiff [Construction in front of Grand Central; subway construction.]
Original Exhibits of Rapid Transit Subway Construction Company, Plaintiff [Construction in front of Grand Central; excavation for subway construction.]
Original Exhibits of Rapid Transit Subway Construction Company, Plaintiff [Two views of subway construction in front of Grand Central.]
Steam Engine #824
Original Exhibits of Rapid Transit Subway Construction Company, Plaintiff [Horse team hauling construction equipment down a street; subway construction by Grand Central.]
Park Avenue and 42nd Street [Park Avenue & 42nd Street to Park Row]
Inspection of the Rapid Transit Railroad
Dinner in Honour of Mr. August Belmont
Original Exhibits of Rapid Transit Subway Construction Company, Plaintiff [Construction site; construction in front of Grand Central.]
Life and Love on the New York City Subway [Subway platform of Grand Central Station.]
East 42d Street [24th Street to 42nd Street]