H. Soloman's Cheap Clothing Store
American Hotel
C. G. Gunther, Furrier
Perry's Family Ointment
First night of "The Favorite", Monday, October 4, 1847
Mrs. Shaw and Mr. H. Placide in "Edith; or, Dealings with the Firm of Dombey & Son", Monday evening, November 20, 1848
Derrickson Card Works
Major's Cement Is Good
Mrs. Hunt's Benefit, "The Trumpeter's Daughter", on Thursday evening, May 27, 1847
Industrial Insurance. Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. of New York
[Testimonial to regular and punctual attendance, correct deportment and diligent attention to study.]
Mr. Marble in "Family Ties", Wednesday evening, June 17. To conclude with "The Backwoodsman; or, The Game Cock of the Wilderness"
P. Zeglio, Real Estate Agent
Cowperthwait's Furniture and Carpets
Chambers Street [Central Park West to Coenties Slip]
For the benefit of Mr. G. Barrett, "The School for Scandal", Wednesday, May 26, 1847
Cowperthwait Furniture
Revere Room Hotel Lexington New York