[Rutherford B. Hayes.]
Wm. O. Butler
Wilkie FIrst Voter
Hon. James G. Blaine. Republican Candidate for 22nd. President of the United States.
Millard Fillmore
William A. Graham
Republican Ticket!
Rhymes for Young Democrats
Grand National Republican Banner.
Executive Committee - Hide and Leather Sound Money Ass'n
All For "Al" and "Al" For All
Executive Committee - Business Men's Republican Association - Taft & Sherman 1908;
Delegate - New York Republican State Convention
Great Exhibition, 1851
Executive Committee - Business Men's Republican Association - Taft and Sherman 1908;
Hon. Horatio Seymour.
James Buchanan.
James Buchanan
[Isaac Lichtenstein with Sam and Lilly Ostroff at the Jewish Museum.]