128 West 52nd Street. Apartment building
East 52nd Street. Moffit dining room.
East 52nd Street. Brewster residence, drawing room.
234 East 52nd Street. Apartment building
12 East 52nd Street. Commercial building.
16 East 52nd Street. Apartment building
Park Avenue between 52nd and 53rd Street, west side. Lever House.
424-434 East 52nd Street. Apartment.
11 East 52nd Street. Proctor residence.
551 West 52nd Street. Moulded Products Corporation, hydraulic press heated by gas.
244-46 East 52nd Street. Turtle bay school.
11 East 52nd Street. Procter residence.
West 52nd Street and 5th Avenue. De Pinna Building, entrance.
[52nd Street and 5th Avenue.]
301 East 52nd Street. The Kips Bay Boys Club.
345 Park Avenue between 51st and 52nd Street.
239 West 52nd Street. Rollerdome, gay blades, skating rink entrance, architectural rendering.