Exempt Firemens Ben.[evolent] Fund Association
Committee Exempt Firemens Ben,[evolent] Fund Ass'n
Exempt Firemens Ben.[evolent] Ass'n Fund Ass'n 23rd-27th Ward
Trustee - Exempt Firemen's B.[enevolent] F.[und] Ass'n
Speedway Concourse & Transverse Road
Board of Director Exempt Firemen Sons Ass'n. 23 & 24. Wards.
Exempt Sons Ass'n 23 Ward N.Y. 1900
Exempt Firemen's Benevolent Fund Association 23rd and 24th Wards New York
Trustees of the Exempt Firemen's Benevolent Fund
Trustees - Exempt Firemen's Benevolent Fund, City of New York
[Lyceum Theatre, Fourth Ave. Bet. 23rd & 24th Sts., 1896.]
Trustees - Exempt Firemen's Benevolent Fund of the City of New York
Executive Committee - Hide and Leather Sound Money Ass'n
Tell That to the Marines!
Business Men's Republican & Sound Money Ass'n.
Map of Villa Sights at Riverdale.
Hotel Ass'ns of N.Y.C.
N.Y. Ass'n. for the Blind, Interior, Girl at Carpet Loom.
Trustee Exempt Firemen's Sons Association
Fifth Avenue and Madison Square [Fifth Avenue, 23rd Street to 39th Street]