Verein Freundschaft Sonnabend
76. 200 Years
Pacific No. 14, Pierrepont St.
New York City Bicentennial 76
Frank P. Basset, Wholesale Dealer in Produce
Regulations [Central Turn Verein Hall fancy dress balls.]
Philander Reed, Commission Merchant, Foreign and Domestic Produce
To the Freemen, Freeholders, and Other Inhabitants of the City and County of New-York.
The Full 'er Bunkman.
St. Aloysius Jünglings Verein St. Nicholas Kirche
Interior of one of Cowperthwait's 15 Show Rooms
Mineralized Rubber Co.
[Charlotte Wal[s?]er.]
Return of the Engine, Hose, Hook and Ladder, and Hydrant Companies
Silhouette Club
Mechanics' Institute School
Seventh Annual Ball, in Aid of the New York Hebrew Benevolent Society
Programme of the Joint Meeting of the Clionian and Phrenocosmian Literary Societies
Fifth Avenue and 76th Street [Fifth Avenue, 57th Street to 101st Street]