New York and China Tea Co.
Map of Property Belonging to the Estate of John B. Coles, Decd.
From R. Hutcheson, Dealer in Fine Groceries
[155 East 126th Street]
George Rubel, Furniture and Carpets
L. L. Whitehouse, With Beavers
121st Street, west from Seventh Ave, New York.
123rd St., west from Amsterdam Ave, New York.
Marie Roze Uses Warner Bros. Coraline Corset. Ask For It
[Wedding of Jennie MacKnight and E. Howard Mosher.]
Jack's Nest Southern Kitchen
123rd Street, east from Seventh Ave, New York.
John Gross, Plumber and Gas Fitter
123rd St., east from Amsterdam Ave, New York.
Gensler Bros.
Seventh Milestone
3rd Ave. 7 Mile Stone.
Third Ave. - New York 7 Miles