Old Wallach's Theatre, N.Y. City.
Entrance to Wallack's Theatre, B'Way & 13th St. N.Y.
Old Wallach's Theatre, N.Y. City [Between the Acts Little Cigars.]
4th Avenue and 13th St.
Hammacher Schlemmer & Co.
Broadway from 13th to 14th Sts. [Broadway & 12th Street to Broadway & Madison Square]
Broadway and 13th Street [Broadway & 12th Street to Broadway & Madison Square]
Theatre, Wallack's & Palmer's B'way & 30th Street.
Wallack's Theatre and Palmer's Theatre
Wallack's Old Theater
Building, Cold Storage Warehouse, 13th Avenue.
West 13th Street [Ninth Avenue to Twelfth Avenue, West 3rd Street to 23rd Street]
Wallack's, corner of Broadway and 13th Street. Opening of the new theater. Tonight, a new comedy by Tom Taylor in three acts, entitled "The New President"
Greenwich Presbyterian Church [145 West 13th] on north side of West 13th Street between 6th and 7th Avenues. House this side is No. 147. House on far side is No. 139.
East 13th Street [Ninth Avenue to Twelfth Avenue, West 3rd Street to 23rd Street]
[13th Street and 5th Avenue.]