The Leap Year Leaps
The Window Shopper
The War Lords
The Yellow Peril
The Amalga-Mating Season
The Spoiling of Sammy
The Padlock
Life and Johnny Walker
["The crooked cop".]
That Was New York
N.Y.C. Cops are Tops
"Well, Whaddy Know About That! Gangsters!"
[Five caricatures by Edward C. Caswell.]
[Urchins surprised by cops.]
Cop Slays Gunman, Faints
New York City, Funeral of a Killed Cop Who Was Shot in the Line of Duty, 1979
[Woman looking at a model of a church that has miniature bats flying around the steeple.]
"That's the Man who Ruined Us."
"That's the Way to End Racketeering, Gentlemen."