Cherry Lane Playhouse, Grove St. Theatre, and Provincetown Playhouse
Fugazy Theatre
Piemonte Restaurant
Map of Property in the Ninth Ward of the City of New York, belonging to the Estate of W. W. Gilbert, dec'd
Map of Lands Belonging to Samuel Jones Jr., Williams Hones, Egbert H. Jones, Thomas Jones, Davis S. Jones at Greenwich, New York, November 1, 1819
Map of the City of Brooklyn, Compiled & Surveyed by S. C. Herbert & R. Tolferd
Map of Premises on the Northwesterly corner of 6th Av. and West 15th Street, Surveyed as in posession Feby 23rd 1870
McDougal St Baptist Church N. York
Minetta Tavern
[Looking west on MacDougal Alley toward 2 Fifth Avenue.]
The Wheelmans Diary, Guide & Map. Brooklyn & L.I.
Map of the Haring or Herring Farm
Map of the Louvre Farm
Map of the City of New York with part of Brooklyn and Williamsburgh
Minetta Tavern Wine List
Map of the City of New York
Map of a Piece of Salt Meadow, Situated in the 10th Ward of the City of New York, Showing the Division of the Same
Compliments of the Mechanical Orguinette Co.
West 3d Street [Ninth Avenue to Twelfth Avenue, West 3rd Street to 23rd Street]
Map of the Subway System of New York