Plan of Fort Greene and Line of Intrenchments, from the Wallabout to Gowanus Creek, with a topographical sketch of the country.
Plan of the City of New York. Showing the made and swamp land.
Plan of the City of New York
A Topographical Map of the North Part of New - York Island exhibiting the Plan of Fort Washington now Fort Knyphausen
An Indian Village of the Manhattans
Plan of the City of New York, 1808
A New & Accurate Plan of the City of New York in the State of New York in North America. Published in 1797
Fort Fish From Nutter's Battery.
A New & Accurate Plan of the City of New York in the State of New York, in North America.
Plan of the City of New York.
Remains of Cock Hill Fort, N.Y. 1858.
Plan of the Central Park, City of New York, 1860.
Federal Hall: Inauguration of Genl George Washington, the First President of the United States, on the 30th of April 1789.
North Battery, Foot of Hubert St. Looking South, 1820
[Planned Elevation of the Old City Hall formerly standing in Wall Street in the City of New York, as it was in the years 1745, 1746, 1747]
Plan of the city of New - York, drawn from actual survey.