The Seventh Annual Dinner and Triennial Reunion of the Class of Ninety-two Columbia College
Teachers College, Barnard College and Columbia University
Adolph Werner - Scholar, Teacher, Friend
Normal College of the City of New York Twenty-Third Annual Commencement
Teacher's College
Columbia University
City College of New York--Hunter College Girls
Compliments of J. Lichtenstein & Son
Charles C. Tansill--History Department of Fordham University
[Certification of application to study, attainment of instructor's approbation, and the honor of being at the head of the class.]
New York Cancer Hospital.
Compliments of M. F. Tompkins
[Certification of diligence and good behavior.]
Reward of Merit.
Columbia University [Professor teaching a class.]
[Membership to Bryant, Stratton & Co's. International Chain of Business Colleges.]
Education, Gymnasium at Teachers' College.
Education, Colleges, Teachers'.