[Exterior of 74 Hook & Ladders and 171 Engine station.]
Hook and Ladder in Action
[Hook and Ladder No. 1.]
Hook and Ladder in Action.
The Darktown Fire Brigade - Hook and Ladder Gymnastics.
The Darktown Hook and Ladder Corps.
[Astoria Hook and Ladder Company #1.]
Hook and Ladder Truck Going to a Fire
[Engine 92, Hook & Ladder 44.]
By-Laws of Knickerbocker Fire Engine Company, No. 12
[Officers and men of Hook and Ladder Company 10.]
Hook and Ladder Company, No. 10
New Auto Hook & Ladder, New York
[Meeting to discuss a petition to the Common Council for all Engine, Hose, and Hook and Ladder Houses to be lit with gas at the public expense.]
[Engine 295, Hook and Ladder 144.]
[Engine 94, Hook & Ladder 48.]
[Hose Company Nos. 36 and 37.]
[Engine Company 13.]
[Double Engine and Hook and Ladder Co.]