85th Street and 5th Avenue, S.E. corner. View looking east at northwest corner of building at 10 East 85th Street showing condition of foundation under northwest corner pier to west gable wall, 4:07pm
77th Street at the N.E. corner of 5th Avenue. View looking east at basement of 964 5th Avenue.
322-24 East 71st Street. Additional view from N.E. looking S.W. of wall to 320 East 71st Street, 11:34 A.M.
71st Street at the S.E. corner of 5th Avenue. Frick Art Gallery.
67th Street at the southeast corner of 5th Avenue. Looking S.E. at westerly section of basement wall to 2 East 67th Street.
711 5th Avenue and 55th Street, N.E. corner. Building.
60th Street and 5th Avenue, N.E. corner. Metropolitan Club.
67th Street at the southeast corner of 5th Avenue. Looking south at north gable wall to 854 5th Avenue and bay in rear of 2 East 67th Street.
834 5th Avenue and 64th Street, N.E. corner. Fifteen-story apartments.
East 67th Street and 5th Avenue, N.E. corner. George Gould residence.
63rd Street at the N.E. corner of 5th Avenue. General exterior.
810 5th Avenue at the N.E. corner of 62nd Street. Apartments.
85th Street and 5th Avenue, S.E. corner. Close-up view looking east at foundation pier at northwest corner of 10 East 85th Street, 4:27pm.
61st Street and 5th Avenue, N.E. corner. Private residence.
1010 5th Avenue at 82nd Street, N.E. corner. Apartments.
54th Street and Madison Avenue, S.E. corner. View looking southwest at southerly section of east gable wall to Hotel Weylin, 1:08pm.
996 5th Avenue at 81st Street, N.E. corner. Apartments.
73rd Street and 5th Avenue, N.E. corner. Apartment building.
20-28 East 76th Street. From N.E. corner of 76th Street and Madison Avenue. Looking west towards 5th Avenue.