The Ball in Honor of the Prince of Wales [Notice of appointment as member of the General Committee.]
The Ball in Honor of the Prince of Wales [Notice of deficit.]
The Ball in Honour of the Prince of Wales
Ball in Honor of The Prince of Wales
[Subscription as a member of the General Committee of the ball in honor of the Prince of Wales.]
The General Committee of the Ball in Honor of the Prince of Wales in Account With Its Treasurer
Ball in Honor of the Prince of Wales
The Ball in honor of the Prince of Wales
[Special issue representing the portraits of all the principal ladies and gentlemen who took prominent part in the reception of the Prince of Wales.]
Ball in honor of His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales
Ball in Honor of His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales
Ball in honor of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales
Ball to the Prince of Wales
Ball in Honour of the Prince of Wales
Reception of the Prince of Wales