New York - Chicago - June 16, 1908
New York - For President Charles E. Hughes
"When this Cruel War is Over."
New York - Delegate - American Street Railway Association
Delegate - First Democratic City Convention - Greater New York - Sept. 30th 1897
St. Mary's Church, New York Ave, Rosebank, Staten Island.
St. John's Church, New York Ave. Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island.
[Tammany Hotel.]
Staten Island Muncipal Ferry Boat "Queens."
The New-York Elephant
Republican Worker - For Mayor, Benj. F. Tracy
Dinner in honor of the Hon. Theodore Roosevelt Governor of the State of New York
Bowling Green, New York.
Paul Braun - Delegate - 79th Annual Convention Firemen's Association of the State of New York
Cooper Square, New York.
Delegate - New York Republican State Convention
New York County - Delegate Republican Convention
Curtis High School, St. George, Staten Island.
[Phyllis Thaxter as Claudia Naughton in "Claudia".]
The City of New York Centenary Celebration