Military and Civic Ball. Washington's Birthday
Birthday of Washington.
Mount Sinai Lodge No. 270. I.O.B.B.
Gordon Meade Gibbs' Birthday Party July 14th, 1899 at the Van Glahn Cottage, North Asbury Park, New Jersey [Frederick Seymour Gibbs, New York, 1900. Vol. II.]
Children's Party
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Central Park. Obelisk Presentation
Social Functions, Birthday Party.
Birthday Greetings
Obelisk Presentation
["James S. T. Stranahan" bronze statue on granite pedestal.]
United Nations Children's Party
Cheryl Archibald--LOOK Covergirl age 5, 25 Stratford Rd., Brooklyn, for Alice Thompson
[Celebration for Mordechai Yachson's 80th birthday.]