Entre Nous
Entre Nous Lit[erary]. Society
New Entre Nous
Entre Nous - Social & Lit[erary].
First Reception of the Entre Nous Literary & Social Club
Sociable and Reception Tendered to Miss Lena M. Hopkins
Entre Nous - Social and Literary Club
Fourth Annual Reception and Ball of the Entre Nous Literary Society
La Comare Sociable Calico Dress
Society Sociables
Masquerade Sociable
Hinds' Assembly
Parkers Grand Ball
Ladies' Ticket of Admission to the Annual Caledonian Ball
Jamaica Volunteers, Fourth Annual Ball
Third Annual Ball in Aid of the Funds of the Bachelors Hebrew Benevolent Loan Association
Light Guard Ball
Amity Hop
Complimentary Ball to F. C. Schaffer
[The Stewards of the St. Andrew's Ball, request the pleasure of your company to a ball and supper.]