Order of Exercises for Commencement at the Spingler Institute
Commencement. Soireè Musicale
Van Norman Institute. Closing Exercises.
Annual Commencement of the Boys' Department, Public School No. 32
Institution Elie Charlier
Van Norman Institute for Young Ladies and Children. Thirty-Third Annual Commencement
Commencement Exercises, Public School No. 70
Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn College of Engineering. Class of 1920 Commencement
Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn College of Engineering. Commencement Class of 1927
[Meeting with graduates of the Van Norman Institute after closing exercises.]
Public School 10 Boys Commencement
124th Commencement of Columbia College.
Commencement Exercises of the Theodore Roosevelt Evening High School
Closing Exercises of the Class of '90, of the Van Norman Institute
Commencement Exercises and Reception at Madame Catherine Schuyler van Vechten's Fashionable Seminary for Young Ladies