[Resolution for the interment of the relics of American seamen, soldiers and citizens who died on board the Jersey Prison Ship during the Revolution.]
Lieut. Moody Releases a Condemned Prisoner from Sussex C. Gaol May 1780.
Receipted bill issued by order of Captain Nathaniel and presented by David Bouton to Stephen De Lancey for imprisonment as a Loyalist, January 12, 1777
Marinus Willet and other citizens seized the arms of the retreating English, which were used by some of the American troops.
Major, 3rd New Jersey Regt. Field Officer of the Day, Fort Ti., Dec. 1776. Jersey Blues.
Burial of Gen. Fraser (brit.) Freeman's Farm Oct. 7, 1777.
A statement of the claims examined by the Commissioners appointed to enquire into the losses and services of the American Loyalists, &c. up to the present time
The "Minute-Men" of the Revolution.
The Old Tennent Parsonage. On Manmouth Battlefield. Erected 1706.
A Song, made by a Dutch Lady at the Hague, for the Sailors of the American Vessels at Amsterdam. June 1779. Another, made by a Dutch Gentleman, at Amsterdam, to be sung by the same, on the 4 of July.
The Tea-Tax Tempest, or the Angelo-American Revolution.
Sergeant of Marines - from 1st Penna. Bn Fort Ti. 16 August 1776.
Medal Struck by the United Provinces of the Netherlands, 1783 in Honor of American Independence
American Troops at Fort Ticonderoga, 1775 - 1776 - 1777.
The Oracle - Britania, Hibernia, Scotia, and America assembled to consult the Oracle on the present situation of Public Affairs. Time is acting as Priest.
The Rescue.
Captain of the Guard - 14th Conn. Regt - Burrell's Fort Ti - 8 January 1777.
Order book of Oliver De Lancey, February 4, 1777-June 30, 1778, copied by Edward Floyd De Lancey in 1880. Index of names.