6th Ave Face Lift
"Mid-town Vista No. 2" [6th Avenue south from 59th Street]
"Mid-town Vista No. 1" (East 23rd St.)
[Washington Bridge and High Bridge in background.]
Squibb Building with Sherry Netherland in Background
Squibb Building, 745 5th Avenue
Dr. Potter--Squibb Building
Squibb Building, 745 5th Avenue [View across Pulitzer Fountain showing Savoy-Plaza Hotel and Squibb Building.]
Squibb Building with Sherry Netherland in Background [Variant]
New York City views. Squibb Building, oblique [view].
[Construction of the GE Building.]
Squibb Building, 745 5th Avenue [Detail of exterior.]
Squibb Building, 745 5th Avenue [Elevator lobby.]