State of New York Military Census and Inventory of 1917
State of New York Military Census and Inventory
Tell That to the Marines!
Recruiting Office, U. S. Army, New York City
A Wonderful Opportunity for You -- United States Navy
Treat 'em Rough
I Am Telling You
Boh Do Krivdy Hromom A Junak Gulami
War, 71st Regiment Return from Spanish-American War.
I Want You for U.S. Army
[U.S. Navy recruiting station, First World War. Madison Square Park.]
World War II Recruiting Poster
Police Department, City of New York. Home Defense League
American Protective League
Mayor's Committee of Welcome to Home-Coming Troops
Governors Island, Recruiting Department of the War Department
Alfred E. Smith
Street Scenes, etc. Showing Displays of Liberty Loan Posters during World War I [James Montgomery Flagg working on his Liberty Loan poster.]
The Soldier's Record.