New York Sept. 5th to Oct. 9th. 1807 - 1909
[Hudson-Fulton Celebration.]
Henry Hudson
Hudson-Fulton Celebration 1609-1909
Ships, "Santa Maria" Replica of Columbus Vessel, also "Pinta".
Henry Hudson's Ship, the "Half Moon"
Hudson-Fulton Celebration
["Roosevelt", arctic exploration.]
The Half Moon. A Replica of the Ship in which Henry Hudson first entered the Hudson River.
In September 1609, Henry Hudson, sailing in the "Half Moon," discovered the Hudson River.
Fulton Trust Company of New York
Robert Fulton's Sketch of the Clermont.
Half - Moon
The Clermont on Her First Trip August 17, 1807.
[Replica of the Half-Moon.]
Fulton In His Studio and the "Clermont"