Rendering, perspective, new Waldorf-Astoria Hotel.
Perspective of building from southeast, rendering.
Watercolor Perspective rendering of 28-story building.
Apartment house. Perspective rendering by Scheffler.
Lexington Avenue [perhaps]. Perspective rendering of business building.
Bay Ridge Savings Bank, perspective rendering.
[Rendering of Hotel Sulgrave.]
Columbia University Medical School Housing. Copy of perspective rendering.
Rendering, perspective view, 4th Church of Christ, Scientist.
Rendering of proposed hotel.
[Rendering of viaduct.]
Austin Nichols Building, watercolor perspective rendering, dated 1913.
Apartment house. Perspective rendering by A. Thornton Bishop.
Woolworth Building, rendering, perspective from Park Place corner.
Rendering, Elmira Hotel.
Rendering - Elmira Hotel.
The Shelton Hotel, rendering.
Rendering of hotel first floor plan.
[Rendering of National Park Bank.]