[Certification of diligence and attention to study.]
[The bearer has by diligence and attention excelled those of her class in her studies and merits my esteem.]
[Praise for good behavior in school.]
Fidelity to your Studies Merits the confidence of your Teachers
Diligence in Learning.
[Approbation of friends and instructor for commendable deportment.]
[Testimony of approbation for correct deportment and diligent attention to study.]
[Certification of application to study, attainment of instructor's approbation, and the honor of being at the head of the class.]
[Testimonial to scholarship and good behavior.]
National Bank of Merit. Four Shares of Stock to the Holder
[Testimonial to industry, punctuality and good conduct.]
[Certificate of membership to the Free-School Society of New-York.]
[Commendation for diligence and good conduct.]
[Certificate of completion of ten lessons in weaving.]
Reward of Merit.
[Testimonial to regular and punctual attendance, correct deportment and diligent attention to study.]
[Group Portrait of Young Girls.]
[Testimonial to punctual attendance, correct deportment and diligent attention to study.]