[New York Historical Society]
New-York Historical Society ; John Pintard
Received, New-York, February 19 1869, from James K. Place Sixty Dollars, being his annual dues in advance
[New-York Historical Society, 170 Central Park West.]
[New York Historical Society.]
Luther Bradish
The New-York Historical Society 1804-1904 ; John Pintard, Founder and Egbert Benson, First President
The New York Historical Society, 170 Central Park West, New York City
170 Central Park West. New York Historical Society
Resolution issued by the New-York Historical Society Library concerning the 200th anniversary of the introduction of the printing press, April 5, 1893
Frederick Samuel Tallmadge 1824-1904
Historical Society Building. Cor. 2nd Avenue & 11th Street, N.Y.
The New-York Historical Society, Central Park West at 77th Street, New York City.
The Sons of the Revolution in the State of New York have the Honour to request the Presence of Allen M. Thomas
Luther Bradish L.L.D.
Museums of New York Including Historic Houses, Botanical and Zoological Gardens and the Aquarium
American Geographical Society and Indian Museum, New York
Building 55 Broadway
New York Transit Museum
New England Society in the City of New York One hundred and sixth Annual Festival