The Martin Luther King, Jr. Health Clinic had a milk program for the children of the neighborhood
Girls in hijabs at Al Noor School
A Fitting at Four Golden Needles
Iraqi Muslim Girl in ESL Class
Young girl with crossed candles
[Women pinning gold coins to bride's dress at a Palestinian wedding at Widdi's Catering Hall.]
[Women hugging and clapping at a Palestinian wedding at Widdi's Catering Hall.]
Selling Grains at a Grocery Store
Palestinian woman with flag
[Groom's mother guarding the wedding cakes at a Palestinian wedding at Widdi's Catering Hall.]
Baking delicacies at International Gourmet Delight
Simon Shaheen
The Graduate
Men and boys at prayer time during Eid ul-Fitr at the end of Ramadan, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn
Girl on roller blades, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn
Muslim children at prayer time during Eid ul-Fitr at the end of Ramadan, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn
Egyptian-American Rug Dealer
"Missing from WTC - Floor 104"
Qanun Player