631 West 152nd Street. The Carmen apartments, general exterior.
West 152nd Street. Resurrection Church, rectory.
West 152nd Street at the N.E. corner St. Nicholas Avenue. Apartment house.
West 151st Street near Amsterdam Avenue, north side. Municipal Court House, detail of entrance.
West 152nd Street and Eighth Avenue. Coogan Estate
152 West 57th Street. Detail of entrance.
560 West 144th Street. Sylvia Court Apartment House.
605-609 West 142nd Street. Adeline Court.
West 141st Street at the corner of Broadway. Rockclyffe Apartments.
565 West 162nd Street. Carolyn Court Apartment House
607-629 West 136th Street. Riverview Courts apartment house.
Broadway at the S.W. corner of West 141st Street. Ellerslie Court Apartments North.
Broadway at the N.W. corner of West 140th Street. Ellerslie Court Apartments South
West 141st Street at the S.E. corner of Amsterdam Avenue. Chatham Court Apartment House.
587 Riverside Drive at the corner of West 136th Street. The Beaconsfield Apartment House, exterior.
615 West 143rd Street. Florette (?) apartments, general exterior.
587 Riverside Drive at the corner of West 136th Street. The Beaconsfield Apartment House, interior.
[150th through 151st Streets and Broadway.] Entrance Hall in Southold [Apartments]
Jackson Heights apartments, detail of entrance.