[Outdoor art exhibit in Washington Square.]
[Proof of the cover of the April 29, 1939 issue of the New Yorker, showing New York World's Fair crowd looking at Trylon and Perisphere.]
The Perfect Nazi.
The Heroes #17 Jan Smudek
[Exhibit at the New York World's Fair.]
Greenwich Village outdoor art exhibit
[Washington Square Arch.]
Washington Arch. [Fifth Avenue Washington Square.]
Washington Square. New York University building, view from Washington Square arch.
The Nazi prisoner who said New York had been bombed flat
Washington Square Park. View toward Washington Arch
[Fifth Avenue Washington Square Looking South from Above Washington Arch.]
Washington Arch. [Japanese War Commission, September,1917.]
Washington Square West near Washington Place. Hotel Holley.
Art Gallery, 215 West 57th Street, Painting Exhibit.