4 West 74th Street.
[18-52 West 74th Street.]
West 74th Street. Clark estate houses.
40 West 74th Street. E. Haas residence, hall, second floor.
40 West 74th Street. E. [Edmond] Haas residence, hall.
[74th Street and Central Park West. The Kenilworth apartments and hotel.]
145 East 74th Street and Lexington Avenue. Apartments.
40 West 74th Street. E. [Edmond] Haas residence, interior.
151 West 74th Street. Apartments, general exterior.
40 West 74th Street. E. [Edmond] Haas residence, drawing room at windows.
[46-48-50 East 74th Street.]
40 West 74th Street. E. Haas residence, library at window and mantel.
40 West 74th Street. E. [Edmond] Haas residence, drawing room at mantel.
40 West 74th Street. E. Haas residence, dining room at window.
1 West 64th Street. Harperly Hall apartments
784 Park Avenue at the S.W. corner of East 74th Street. Ramondo Apartment House.
40 West 74th Street. E. [Edmond] Haas residence, dining room at mantel.
164-166 East 74th Street. General exterior.