St. Stephen's Church
Trinity Church
City Hall, New York.
City Hall, New York
Presbyterian Church, Murray St. N.York and Penitentiary Blackwell's Island, N.Y.
Broadway & Fulton Street
Penitentiary, Blackwell's Island, N.Y.
View of the Bay and Harbour of New York, from the Battery.
Broadway and 10th Street [Broadway & Howard Street to Broadway & 10th Street]
Chrystie Street & Broome Street [Central Park West to Coenties Slip]
Anniversary Bachelors' Ball
Franklin Market, Old Slip
A. The City Hotel Broadway; B. Grace, & Trinity Churches.
View of the Bay and Harbour of New York, from the Battery
Broadway - Trinity Church [Broadway & Rector Street to Broadway & Ann Street]
City Hotel
City Hall New York.
Council Chamber, City Hall