Church, St. Francis Xavier, 16th St. & 6th Ave., Jubilee Procession.
St. Francis Xavier's Jubilee.
College of St. Francis Xavier. New-York. Grammar Course.
St. Francis Xavier Church, N. Y. City.
[Church of St. Francis Xavier, 46 West 16th Street.]
Christ's Church, Library.
St. Francis Hospital.
Portrait of Francis Cardinal Spellman with Prize Winning Children at his Residence.
Christ Church House.
Church, 240 West 35th St.
Church, St. James, Brooklyn.
St. John's The Evangelist, 11th St. & Waverly Place.
Hospital, St. Francis Brook Ave. & East 142nd Street.
Schools, Academy of Mt. St. Vincent.
Church, Bethel, 25th St. Bet. 7th & 8th Aves.
Xavier Parochial School, W. 16th St.
55th St. - 5th Ave.