Club, Army & Navy.
Club, Players Club, Gramercy Square.
Clubs, Players Club.
Clubs, Social Functions, Daughters of the American Revolution.
Club, Century Club, Groups Costumed, 7 West 43rd St.
New York Yacht Club.
Amatuer Productions, "Stollers Club Play".
The Gamut Club.
Y.M.C.A. Building, Naval Branch, Brooklyn.
Club, Turf & Field Westchester Club.
Lakeville Golf and Country Club, Interior, Gentlemen's Rest Room.
Lakeville Golf and Country Club, Interior, Lounge.
Sports, Cricket, Livingston Cricket Club, Staten Island.
Club, Actors' Society of America.
Club, Golf Club, Greenwich Conn.
Art Worker's Club for Women.
Lakeville Golf and Country Club, Interior, The Grill.