Yankee Doodle on His Muscle
John C. Heenan, Champion of the World.
The Great Fight at Charleston S.C. April 7th 1863.
The Gunboat Candidate
The American Patriot's Dream
John Ennis.
The Great International Boat Race Aug. 27th 1869
The Steam Yacht Anthracite.
Charles Rowell.
The Story of the Fight.
The Great Mississippi Steamboat Race.
The Presidents.
Natural Bridge, in the "Blue Ridge" Region, Rockbridge County, Va.
The Great Victory in the Shenandoah Valley, Va., Sept. 19th 1864.
The National Game. Three "Outs" and One "Run".
The Declaration Committee.
The Great Mississippi Steamboat Race
The Great Battle of Murfreesboro, Tenn. Jany. 2nd 1863.
Terrific Combat Between the "Monitor" 2 Guns & "Merrimac" 10 Guns.
Gallant Charge of the "Sixty Ninth"