Parade, Dewey (Troop A)(1st Reg.Co.B)(West Point Cadets) Etc.
Waldorf Astoria, 5th Ave from 33rd St, N.Y.
Street Scenes, Fifth Avenue North from 33rd Street.
Fifth Avenue and 33rd Street.
[Waldorf Astoria.]
Street Scenes, Fifth Avenue Around 17th Street.
Waldorf Astoria Hotel.
[East Side of Fifth Avenue from 35th to 34th Streets.]
Fifth Avenue and 32nd-33rd Streets.
Street Scenes, 34th Street & 5th Avenue.
Street Scene Looking South Down Fifth Ave. from 34th Street.
Street Scenes, Broadway & 23rd Street.
Easter Parade 1897/ Fifth Avenue North from 41st Street.
[Governor's Staff Near Hotel Waldorf-Astoria, Fifth Avenue & 34th Street, Awaiting Li Hung Chang.]
Theatre, Manhattan, Sixth Avenue & 33rd Street.