[Interior, garage.]
[Tioga Garage.]
Yellow Taxicab garage. Interior
Yellow Taxicab garage. Exterior
[Gimbels Flyer train, Children's World, New York World's Fair.]
177-179 East 73rd Street. Garage.
Jackson Heights apartments. Garages
Emil Eiseman's residence, garage.
Looking West at Gimbel's, Macy's, etc. From Empire State [Building], 72nd Floor
[Ringling Brothers Circus.]
Thompson Street and Broome Street. Tunnel Garage
177-79 East 73rd Street. Garage.
Commodore-Biltmore Garage.
View Looking South at Gimbel's, etc., From 11th Floor of Marbridge Building
Ocean Avenue and Avenue L. Garage [at H.A. Faber residence].
Ringling Brothers Circus. Grand horse ring