Pathescope Co. of America, interior of film exchange room.
Pathescope Co. of America, hand driven generator machine - 5.
Kodascope, Pathescope Co.
The Pathescope Co. of America, The New Premier Standard Portable Projector. Reel covers off completely.
View of pathescope [machine].
The Pathescope Co. New Premier Model, side view.
Pathescope projecting machine.
16 East 44th Street. Robinson and Co., brokers, interior of ticker room.
Trust Co. of America.
16 East 44th Street. Robinson and Co., brokers, interior of customer room.
400 Madison Avenue. Gruntal-Lilienthal and Co. branch, interior of board room at stock board.
400 Madison Avenue. Gruntal-Lilienthal and Co. branch, interior of board room at windows.
Rector's, interior, Pompeian Room.
Pavelle Laboratories, interior view, customer's room.
1776 Broadway. Newspaper Institute of America. Interior, office
New York Life Insurance Company, interior of dining room.
25 Broad Street, S.E. corner of Exchange Place. City Investing Co., interior, boiler room and locker room on roof looking S.E..
Manhattan Savings Bank, general interior of Trustees Room, ground floor.